A Comprehensive DevOps Interview Questions.πŸ’»

A Comprehensive DevOps Interview Questions.πŸ’»


5 min read

Embracing DevOps Interview Mock Practices for DEVOPS. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of essential concepts related to DevOps, Docker, Jenkins, SonarQube, Kubernetes, and Terraform. πŸš€ Practice it and level up your DevOps knowledge!

  1. IAAS and PAAS: Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) offers virtualized computing resources, while Platform as a Service (PAAS) provides a platform for developing, running, and managing applications without dealing with underlying infrastructure complexities. πŸ’»

  2. AZ and Regions: Availability Zones (AZ) are unique physical locations within a region, housing data centers. Regions are geographical areas containing one or more AZs, each with its own set of services. 🌍

  3. Docker Run and CMD Commands:

    • docker run: Used to run a container from an image.

    • CMD: Instruction in a Dockerfile to provide default commands for the container. 🐳

  4. Docker Network Types:

    • Bridge network

    • Host network

    • Overlay network

    • Macvlan network 🌐

  5. Default Network in Docker: The default network in Docker is the bridge network. πŸŒ‰

  6. Bridge Network in Docker: A bridge network is the default network in Docker, facilitating communication between containers on the same network. It allows outbound connectivity and isolates containers on different networks by default. 🌐

  7. Docker Container Creation Process:

    1. Write a Dockerfile.

    2. Build an image using docker build.

    3. Run a container using docker run. πŸ—οΈ

  8. Static vs. Declarative Pipeline in Jenkins:

    • Static Pipeline: Defined with imperative steps in a Jenkinsfile.

    • Declarative Pipeline: Uses a simplified, structured syntax for the Jenkinsfile. πŸš€

  9. Best Practices for Jenkins Integration:

    • Use version control for Jenkinsfiles.

    • Securely manage credentials and secrets.

    • Regularly update plugins.

    • Implement security best practices. πŸ”’

  10. Docker Command for Expose:docker run -p 80:80 my-container πŸ›³οΈ

  11. Controller Manager in Kubernetes: The Controller Manager in Kubernetes manages controller processes that regulate the state of the cluster, such as node controller and replication controller. πŸ€–

  12. Use of API-Server in Kubernetes: The API server is a component of the Kubernetes control plane that exposes the Kubernetes API, serving as the front end for the control plane. πŸš€

  13. Argument vs. Attribute in Terraform:

    • Argument: Parameters passed to a resource or module.

    • Attribute: Values returned by a resource or module. Example: resource "example" { name = "example-instance" } πŸ› οΈ

  14. Docker 'FROM' Keyword: The FROM keyword in Docker specifies the base image for a Dockerfile. πŸ—οΈ

  15. Base Image in Docker: A base image is the foundation of a Docker image upon which other images can be built. πŸš€

  16. COPY vs. ADD Command in Docker:

    • COPY: Copies files from the local host to the container.

    • ADD: Similar to COPY but with additional features like extracting tarballs. πŸ“¦

  17. Use of -p in Docker Command: The -p flag in Docker commands publishes a container's port to the host. πŸšͺ

  18. Expose -p vs. Docker Run -p:

    • EXPOSE: Informs Docker that the container listens on specified network ports.

    • docker run -p: Publishes a container's port to the host. 🌐

  19. Data Storage in Docker Image: Data in a Docker image is typically stored in volumes or bind mounts outside the container to persist beyond its lifecycle. πŸ’Ύ

  20. Four Important Pillars for DevOps:

    • Security

    • Speed

    • Stability

    • Scalability πŸ›οΈ

  21. Connecting to a Remote Server: Use the ssh command to connect to a remote server: ssh username@remote_server_ip 🌐

  22. Top 5 Used Shell Script Commands:

    • echo

    • if

    • for

    • while

    • grep

  23. Edge Location and Wavelength in AWS:

    • Edge Location: A data center endpoint for Amazon CloudFront.

    • Wavelength: An AWS infrastructure offering enabling applications to run at the edge of the 5G network. 🌐

  24. Running a POD on a Particular Node in Kubernetes: To run a POD on a specific node in Kubernetes, use the --node-name option with kubectl run.

  25. Taints and Toleration in Kubernetes:

    • Taints: Node affinity rules preventing pod scheduling unless tolerated.

    • Toleration: Pod specification allowing scheduling on nodes with specific taints. πŸ€–

  26. Mechanics for Deployment in Kubernetes:

    • Rolling updates

    • Blue-green deployment

    • Canary deployment

  27. Terraform State File: The Terraform state file maintains the state of the infrastructure, used for planning and applying changes. πŸ“„

  28. State Lock in Terraform: State lock is a mechanism in Terraform to prevent concurrent operations on the same state file, avoiding conflicts. πŸ”’

  29. Different Ways to Create Kubernetes:

    • kubectl apply

    • kubectl create

    • kubectl run

  30. Kubernetes Scheduler: The Kubernetes Scheduler assigns nodes to pods based on resource requirements, constraints, and policies. πŸ€–

  31. Checking CPU Utilization in Kubernetes: Use kubectl top nodes to check CPU utilization on a specific cluster in Kubernetes. πŸ“ˆ

  32. Interpolation in Terraform: Interpolation in Terraform is the process of embedding expressions within strings to produce a final string. πŸ”„

  33. Kubernetes Architecture: Kubernetes architecture includes a master node (API server, controller manager, scheduler, etcd) and worker nodes (kubelet, kube-proxy, container runtime), communicating via the Kubernetes API. πŸ—οΈ

  34. What is Ansible: Ansible is an open-source automation tool designed to streamline various IT tasks, including configuration management, application deployment, task automation, and orchestration. πŸ€–

  35. What is Playbook πŸ“š**:** Playbooks are a central concept in Ansible, serving as a way to organize and execute automation tasks. They provide a higher-level abstraction for expressing configurations, deployments, and orchestration.

  36. Type of S3 :- 7 types

    • S3 Standard: For frequently accessed data

    • S3 Intelligent-Tiering: For automatic cost savings for data with unknown or changing access patterns

    • S3 One Zone-IA

    • S3 Glacier

    • S3 Glacier Deep Archive

    • S3 Outposts

This guide provides a thorough overview of crucial DevOps and containerization concepts, offering valuable insights for developers and DevOps practitioners navigating the ever-evolving landscape. Happy practicing! πŸš€

πŸš€Special Thanks to Shubham Lodha take for Mock practice!!

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